You are only allowed a certain number of violations before your ignition interlock device goes into lockout mode. Your ignition interlock device may go into lockout mode if you fail a test or miss your service appointment. It's important to understand your ignition interlock device's lockout mode. The LCD displays the number of violations left when you press the pound sign and the number three. The counter starts with the maximum available violations and counts down. Each time a violation is registered, the unit will deduct 1 from that number. The device will “lockout” and not allow you to take a test under the following conditions:
A fifteen minute lockout is indicated by an LCD display of FAIL /LOCK ###. This happens when you blow 3 fails in a 15 minute period. The device will TEMPORARILY LOCKOUT for ONLY 15 minutes. This can happen before you start your vehicle OR after you start the vehicle and then fail 3 RE-TESTS! During this 15 minute lockout the device will not allow you to re-test. Use this time to drink water, take some deep breaths and test again when the device resets. NOTE: If this happens while you are driving, the device will not reset until you turn off your vehicle. A 15 minute lockout may require you to return for service.
A drive time lockout is indicated by an LCD display of “RESTRICTED DRIVE TIME”. This only occurs if the unit is programmed with restricted driving times as ordered by the monitoring authority. During the restricted lockout time, the device will not allow you to take a test or start your vehicle.
A service lockout is indicated by an LCD display of SRVC / L ###. This is the number of hours remaining before the device shuts down due to missing your service date. Once the device displays “LOCK,” it WILL REQUIRE you to call your service provider for an unlock code. There may be a charge for this code. DO NOT IGNORE THE SERVICE WARNING grace period.
A violation lockout is indicated by an LCD display of “LOCKOUT VIOL”. This will occur after you use your last violation AND you exceed the allowed lockout grace period. A violation is caused by a HIGH LEVEL breath failure, OR by missing a re-test, OR by starting the vehicle without passing a test, OR by disconnecting the head while the device is turned on. These violations are counted between service visits. The LCD display will show the number of hours left until the violation lockout occurs (L##). Once the device displays “LOCKOUT VIOL”, it WILL SHUT DOWN and require you to call your service provider for an unlock code. There may be a charge for this code. DO NOT IGNORE THE LOCKOUT WARNING grace period.
Smart Start of Alabama is the smart choice for ignition interlock because we offer top-notch customer service and a convenient process. Smart Start offers a toll-free 24/7 service line where you can always speak to a real person. Contact us with questions about lockouts.
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