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How long will I have to keep my ignition interlock device? We hear this question a lot from our in...
Getting behind the wheel when you're drunk is bad. But getting behind the wheel "super drunk" is... ...
What does Alabama law say about ignition interlock devices? Here is just a quick overview: Alabama l...
What does Alabama law say about ignition interlock devices? Well, it’s hard to cover everythin...
You made a mistake. You now have a DUI on your record. As part of a drunk driving offense, you...
You thought you were OK to drive. You were mistaken, and now you have a drunk driving charge on your...
You're cruising on the lake, or you're fishing offshore, or you're headed to meet friends at the cam...
If you get arrested for a DUI or DWI, you may be ordered to get an ignition interlock device such...
Location, location, location! In any purchase or lease, location is a factor that weighs heavily on ...
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